GAPs UK podcast: LGBTQI+ People and WPS, Susana Peralta, a lawyer and literature scholar with Colombia Diversa, Neela Ghoshal, Senior Director of Law and Policy and Outright International, and Dr Jamie Hagen, Lecturer in International Relations at Queen’s University Belfast to discuss this topic. The conversation is chaired by GAPS Policy, Advocacy and Communications Officer Detmer Kremer., Podcast episode June 2024
The CRSV Observatory podcast discussion. The Observatory documents cases where sexual violence has been deliberately and systemically deployed to target particular sections of society against backgrounds of violent conflict., Interview, September 2022
Opinion Peace podcast: Re-Imagining Peace & Security from the Perspective of Queer & Trans Communities, Podcast interview, August 2020
Women, Peace and Security: The Privatisation of War, Podcast Roundtable, Nov. 2020
TJI, Ulster University talk: Queering through Collaboration: Connecting LGBTQ and WPS Networks, Lecture, February 2020
LSE WPS Podcast: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity as Part of the WPS Project
Kings College London War Studies podcast: Queer perspectives in security studies
Interview, June 2019
Stories of Queer Feminist Alliances in the Peacebuilding Movement, October 2023, Cornell University Lecture
Queer Politics Webinar, QPW29: Jamie Hagen - Queering Women, Peace and Security (2020)